Highlights and Favourites

Hi there friends, welcome to Friday favourites! It’s time to share some of the highlights and favourites from the week. As usual, I am linking up with Andrea and Erika. Thanks so much for stopping by!

Look at this amazing basil plant I discovered growing in a pot plant full of soil on our verandah(I had neglected the poor old pot for a while!)

highlights and favourites-basil plant

This healthy, vibrant green basil sprouted all on its own! I think it probably received seeds from the basil plant nearby, which I originally planted. However, this miraculous basil looks much healthier than its parent plant! I bet it’s because I didn’t touch it. Ha!

I made a slightly different version of my usual spinach, ricotta and feta pie for dinner this week.  This time I used puff pastry instead of filo and I forgot to sprinkle sesame seeds over the top before I popped it in the oven. But it was still a family favourite.

favourites and highlights-spinach pie

I bought a Sally Hansen nude-coloured nail polish from Amazon. Neutral colour everything is my favourite!

highlights and favourites-Sally Hansen nude nail polish

I went to see the Endocrinologist for a follow-up appointment. As I don’t have a thyroid I need to have blood tests to check levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). While I was waiting to see the doctor I saw this sign on the wall in the reception area and I had a chuckle. It must have been there a long time! I mean there’s no way, right?

Highlights and favourites-mobile phone sign

Even before going over the results with my doctor, I could tell that my levels were slightly elevated because I’ve been feeling super amped. It’s like I’m constantly buzzing with excitement. Another fun fact is that I can’t seem to cry! Oh man, before I had my thyroid removed I would cry about everything, and I mean everything. Worse still, once I started I couldn’t seem to stop! Now it’s as if the faucet has been turned off.

I’m happy to report that my blood test results showed only a minor elevation. So the doctor made a slight adjustment to my medication. I have to confess, that I absolutely love how well I’ve been feeling with all this energy. It’s like I have a superpower and I don’t want to lose it! Such fantastic progress means now I only need to see the doctor once a year instead of every six months. Yay!!

Tuesday felt never-ending because of our preschool Annual General Meeting. This meant that we had to go back to work at 7.30 pm. Bleh! Fortunately, my wonderful friend who also happens to be my coworker came up with the brilliant plan to do something fun to pass the time between finishing work and the meeting. We had about 3 hours to spare so we decided to go to our local RSL club where we could relax in the cool air conditioning and catch up.

It’s crazy how busy our days are working together in a small preschool; we barely have a second to stop and chat. It feels like we’re constantly on the go the whole day! After a particularly hectic day, It was so good to treat myself to a refreshing piña colada and enjoy dinner together.

highlights and favourites-piña colada

I ordered the chicken souvlaki, and to my surprise, it was a giant portion! I managed to eat only half of it and decided to take the rest home for my son who was very pleased with this unexpected treat.

highlights and favourites-chicken souvlaki meal

It seems that this week most of my highlights and favourites are food-related. Another fun friend and work buddy brought me this snack to try. It’s so sweet how she often surprises me with little treats, which truly brightens my work day. I also love how I’m lucky enough to work with two of my besties!

I’m pretty sure that she said she bought these from Costco and I want to make sure I get some the next time I go because they’re so good. The packet had two light and tasty crackers sprinkled with trail mix.

highlights and fsvourites-trail mix crackers

And here comes my last foodie favourite to share. Last night, we had burrito bowls for dinner. This time, I made sure to stop at the fruit shop on my walk home from work to grab some fresh coriander. I know a lot of people don’t love the taste of coriander, but we sure do! I added them to the guacamole and also sprinkled them on top. Those fresh chopped greens took our bowls to a whole new level. So delicious!

highlights and favourites-burrito bowls

And that’s a wrap for this week’s Friday favourites! The week flew by so fast, didn’t it? I hope you all have an amazing weekend.

Happy Friday!

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3 thoughts on “Highlights and Favourites”

  1. A week of yummy food, what’s not to like?!
    I think I’m going to have to try the spinach, ricotta and feta pie. That sounds amazing.
    Love the nail polish too, I really like the neutral shades.
    Have a great weekend Ruth. xxx

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