5 favourite and least favourite foods

Favourite and Least Favourite Foods

Hey everyone, welcome back! I hope you all had an amazing weekend filled with a good mix of relaxation and fun. Thanks so much for joining me today for the monthly ‘Share our Lives’ link-up. Today, we are chatting about our top 5 favourite and least favourite foods!

I have a serious passion for food! If I’m not eating then you can bet I’m either daydreaming about my next meal or what I’m going to be cooking and eating for dinner. So narrowing down my least favourite food was a bit of a challenge because, honestly I think that I’m pretty happy to eat just about anything (well, almost anything). Let’s look at the foods that make my taste buds happy! As well as the ones that are my least favourite and don’t quite hit the spot.

My Favourite and Least Favourite Foods

5 Favourites

Pasta With Savoury Sauces

My all-time favourite foods includes a variety of pasta dishes. Whether it’s spaghetti with a rich bolognese sauce (my ultimate favourite) sprinkled with a very generous amount of fresh parmesan cheese or creamy fettucini carbonara, I simply can’t resist them. My other favourites are boscialo and lasagna- I love them all. Yum!!

5 favourite and least favourite foods- spaghetti lunch

Roasted Meat and Comforting Sides

I love any kind of roast meat-beef, lamb, pork or chicken. I’m not fussy as long as it’s served with vegetables, potatoes (roast or mashed) and lots of gravy!


I’m incredibly thankful I’m not lactose intolerant because I absolutely adore cheese. I think Havarti cheese might be my favourite, but I also love Brie, Camembert, feta, Swiss cheese, Gouda, Edam and so many more. Honestly, just give me all the cheese, please!!

Hot Chips

Just thinking about hot chips is making me hungrier than I already am! Crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, with a generous amount of plain salt or chicken salt. I like hot chips on their own or with a splash of vinegar. I also love to dip them in mayonnaise or aioli and sometimes tomato sauce. Irresistible!


Some of my favourite seafood include salmon, barramundi, prawns, oysters, lobster, and crab. However, when it comes to seafood dishes, my absolute favourite is ceviche—a Latin American creation made with raw fish marinated in lime or lemon juice, mixed with Spanish onions, coriander, and spices. I can’t get enough of the tangy flavours, though I make sure not to breathe on anyone after tucking into this amazing dish!

5 Least Favourite


Hot chillies are my least favourite because I can’t do hot spicy food very well. I start coughing, my eyes water and I panic-it’s no fun! The other day I accidentally ordered a winter margarita, I didn’t read the list of ingredients and I got such a shock when I took the first sip. It had red chilli powder and flakes. Yikes! I didn’t know hot chilli in cocktails was a thing. I’ll be reading the list of ingredients very carefully from now on!

Chocolate cake

Chocolate cake is my least favourite cake of all! I always find them dense and they require too much commitment once you take the first bite.


Just no. The end.

Blue Cheese

I know I said that I love cheese but blue cheese is so intensely not good!


I nearly tried them once but I just couldn’t do it. So to be fair, I probably shouldn’t include them on my list of least favourite foods. They may well be delicious! However, the thought of eating snails doesn’t make me feel great. I’m more comfortable with them on plants than on my plate.

So there we have it, my 5 favorite and least favourite foods. Now I’m curious, what are yours? I’d love to hear about them in the comments!

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Linking up with Adrienne, Dara, Jen, Joanne and Sarah.

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15 thoughts on “Favourite and Least Favourite Foods”

  1. I do love a good chocolate cake but it needs to be nice and light and airy– other than that I agree with all your least favorite foods!! Pasta, seafood, chips (with vinegar!) all made my list too. I like cheese but only certain kinds..

  2. Yes to cheese! I can handle a bit of blue cheese in a cobb salad but alone – no! I love European fries with aioli so much. We have a little cafe that makes good ones. If they come in a cone, you know they will be good.

  3. I’ve had snails and think if they’re cooked properly taste a lot like mushrooms. Which I know a lot of people don’t like, but I do. The times I’ve had snails they were garlicky too which is a flavor I love. It was just too hard to narrow down my favorites. Least favorite was easier. Have a nice day!

  4. I have always hated licorice. As a child, I’d beg for change to get a gumball from the machine. When it was black, my mother would give me more coins – she never could understand how I could hate licorice. She had loved it as a child.

  5. I wasn’t sure about snails either, but they are pretty good and I think you would like it. They are mostly just garlic butter and a bit chewy.
    I love cheese too, like you, I am grateful I don’t have an intolerance. A creamy brie or camembert is my favourite (but not bleu, blech!!).

  6. Yes to all the cheese, even blue, sorry! I like pasta but it does make me feel bloated. I’m a big fan of fish and seafood but I really don’t like squid or octopus. I’ve not tried snails either, but the thought of them puts me off.

  7. Food makes me happy too! If I’m not eating I will be thinking about my next meal.
    I am feeling hungry reading this.
    Hot chilli in cocktails seem wrong and I am with you on the snails. x

  8. Okay, I might have to fly to Australia and get you to try some escargots because they are SO GOOD!!! However, I will avoid spice with you. WHY would you put that in a drink?!?!?!? And I don’t love chocolate cake either. I’ll eat it but I’d much rather have cheesecake.

  9. I always joke there isn’t a cheese I don’t like!! but, now that I think about it, I agree with you about blue cheese. I don’t like licorice either. Thanks for linking up with us.

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