Hello Monday

Hi friends, and happy Monday! The weekend (as usual) sped by in a flash, but I’m excited to be back on this bright and sunny Monday to share what we got up to. Can you believe it’s the last full week of September already? My head is spinning with how quickly the months are flying by!

I saw this on Instagram and it is so true!!

IG funny


The weather is all over the place over here and some days we seem to get all four seasons in one day. The last week of August was so hot and it felt like it was the middle of summer. Then we went back to cooler weather and now according to the IG post, we are in Spring of Deception. Yep, that sounds about right!

We’ve also hit swooping season, where maggies swoop down and scare the living daylights out of us! I know they’re just protecting their nests, but they can be quite terrifying. I once saw a poor cyclist get attacked by a magpie, the poor guy nearly fell off his bike. Yikes!!

So when we went to the Ramsgate farmers market on Saturday, we took note of the sign warning us of swooping magpies.

magpie warning sign

I got swooped last magpie season, so this year I made sure to be extra vigilant and waved my arms around over my head until I got past the danger zone. Haha, I must have looked a bit ridiculous, but better safe than swooped! Steve wore a hat, so he didn’t have to worry about his head.

The market was busy with people and stalls—such a contrast to the cooler months when it’s never quite as crowded as it was this past sunny Saturday. The plant stall is always so tempting!

plant stall

A selfie on the way back to the car.


A few things I picked up included the delicious honey that we go through so quickly!

Bright and sunny Monday post - market produce

I made some lunch using the cherry tomatoes I bought—toast with avocado, tomatoes, feta, and a drizzle of balsamic glaze. So fancy, hehe.

bright and sunny Monday post - lunch

Steve went to work in the late afternoon and I did a few things around the house. Then it was time to get ready to go and see my cousin perform at the Spring Gala Dance Fest.

bright and sunny Monday post - dance

Before the performances, we joined in a fun salsa class. I warned every one of my poor, unfortunate partners that I’d definitely be stepping on their toes and apologised in advance —I’m no good at partner dancing!

My cousin was amazing and nailed every performance, and I’m not just saying that because I love her—she really is a fantastic dancer! We enjoyed some bubbles and a cheese platter while we watched the dancing. It was such a great night!

bright and sunny monday post - bubbles


Sunday was very low-key. We had a late breakfast, and then I spent most of the afternoon and evening working on my Diploma RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) course. I’m not loving it, and I’ll be ecstatic when I finish!

Next week, I’m giving up my preschool break to start a two-week placement at a long daycare centre. This will cover the course requirement of 80 hours working with babies and toddlers. After that, I’m determined to smash through the rest of the modules and finish by the end of the year. I’m using our January trip as my carrot on a stick because a giant reward is always a huge motivator. Plus, I really don’t want to come home with this course still hanging over my head!

bright and sunny Monday post - breakfast

And that was my weekend! How was yours? I hope it was a good one! Thanks so much for being here today, and I look forward to being back on Wednesday.

Happy Monday!

Linking up with Holly and Sarah

hello Monday graphic




6 thoughts on “Hello Monday”

  1. It is feeling a lot like Autumn here with a touch of winter.
    Eek! I don’t like the sound of swooping season. I don’t like magpies at the best of times but if they’re swooping down I would be walking around with an umbrella.
    I do love a market. I always get tempted by plants. hehehe
    The Spring Gala Dance Fest sounds like a lot of fun! Well done your cousin!
    Good luck with the placement. x

  2. How fun they had everyone try dancing at the competition, although I think the bubbly and cheese plate would be more my speed! I love dancing but not anything choreographed!
    I’m sure you will do great at your placement, the babies will be a fun challenge, and you’ll be happy to be back with your preschoolers probably!

  3. We have a lot of magpies in the trees along the canal next to my house, but they’ve never attacked or swooped at us. There are an awful lot of cats in our area which helps I think. I do wish I could get to our farmers market more often. It’ll be a Christmas market soon enough!

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