plant for July recap

First Week Back At Work After The Holidays

Hi, friends, and happy Monday to you! I was super happy to see the end of last week. It wasn’t a great one for a bunch of reasons. But I think that the first week back at work after the holidays is always the hardest so by Friday I was done and so excited for the weekend!

I really hope you all had a relaxing weekend and are ready for the new week ahead. As usual, I am happy to be linking up with Holly and Sarah for today’s Hello Monday post. And excited to share with you a few things that I got up to this weekend.

Still Doing Lots Of Walking

A little while ago I shared with you that Steve crashed his car into a small wall trying to avoid two cats sitting in the middle of the road. Well, on Friday our insurance company confirmed that Steve’s car is a write-off so we will have to get a new car. We’re both very excited about getting a lovely new car as we’ve had the old one for a long time. Now we just have to find the time to go looking for one.

For now, Steve is squeezing into my tiny Suzuki Alto and driving it to get to work. Being over 6ft tall can have its disadvantages haha!!

clean car for end of a busy week post

I’m really lucky that I’m within walking distance to my work so that’s a huge help and I have honestly been really loving the walk! Luckily there’s a fruit shop along the way and a few petrol stations where I was still able to pick up some Friday night snacks!

It’s been raining this whole week and the other day I heard that it will be like this until November! WHAT!! I took this pic on Friday on my walk home. See the grey sky? We are usually so spoiled with brilliant blue skies in Sydney even during the winter.

grey sky for first week back at work after the holidays post


I had the best Saturday and I think that I appreciated it even more after having had such a busy week. Steve and I headed to our local Westfields together. He went off to get a remedial massage and I went to a nail salon called Nails Boulevard to treat myself to a pedicure.

pedicure for first week back at work after the holidays post

I think that I got the better part of the deal because I’ve had a remedial massage before and they hurt!! They’re very effective but I don’t find them particularly relaxing.

A Yummy Brunch

Steve and I met back at a little cafe after his massage and my very relaxing pedicure. We had a really delicious brunch and enjoyed a much-needed catch-up. His evening shifts and my day shifts mean that we don’t get to spend a lot of time together. So it was really lovely to enjoy some time eating and chatting. We’ve been married 32 years and he still makes me laugh a lot with all his funny stories about his workplace.

cappuccino for first week back at work after the holidays post

I had a lovely frothy cappuccino and THE best eggs Benedict I have ever had! The eggs were poached to perfection, they came with lots of delicious smoked salmon and the Hollandaise sauce was divine!

eggs Benedict for first week back after the holidays post

chai latte for first week back at work after the holidays post

Steve had a Chai latte and the big breakfast. He said his was really good too.

big breakfast for first week back at work after the holidays post

Saturday Afternoon

manicure for first week back after the holidays post

I painted my nails in the afternoon. I didn’t get a manicure at the nail salon because working in preschool means that a manicure just doesn’t last very long. I’m constantly washing my hands and just too involved in cleaning up after fun messy play. So I’ll wait until the next holidays and get a manicure done then.

Meal Planning

I also finally did some meal planning. Hooray!! I used my meal planner from Kikki. K and decorated it with some cute stickers. I’m thinking that if I make it pretty then I might do a better job at sticking to it. Here’s hoping!!

meal planning


I was so excited to wake up to sunshine and a glorious blue sky on Sunday morning. So I made a quick trip to Bunnings to pick up some plants. I’m just hanging out for spring and I had a real urge to add more greenery around the house.



I bought a couple of plants with some pretty colour for the courtyard.

plants in pots

I also bought a pot with this cute hanging green plant that I have put on top of the cabinet in the dining room. Can you tell how clueless I am when it comes to what these plants are actually called !!



In the evening I made some tortellini for dinner with salad and garlic bread.

tortellini for back at work

Then after dinner, I plonked myself in front of the TV to continue watching “Cold Feet”. I’m up to the latest seasons now and I just love this show so much I’ll be so sad when it ends. If you haven’t watched it you totally should it’s so good!!

Well, I guess that wraps up my really relaxing weekend after my first week back at work. What did you guys get up to, hope it was a great one! Only nine more weeks until Spring break for us. But who’s counting. 😉

Happy Monday friendsname graphic

hello Monday graphic




9 thoughts on “First Week Back At Work After The Holidays”

  1. I have that same green hanging plant and have for years… and I have no idea what it is called! LOL. Both my older two boys are well over 6 feet tall and I can not imagine them squeezing into your little car; your poor husband must be really crammed in there. It sounds like you had a wonderful day out together… where the photo of the after pedicure?!

    1. Ruth(playworkeatrepeat)

      Yes, the car is definitely way too small for both my husband and son. When we all cram in we look like the Flintstones! We had brunch after my pedicure. I’m not a big fan of my feet so I just showed them in the spa LOL!

  2. How wonderful to get a new card. I must say that all your food photos have me ravenous. I haven’t had breakfast yet. I love all your yummy food. Have a great week! #MMBC

  3. Happy Monday!
    hehehe! The thought of Steve getting into your little car did make me chuckle.
    We have had rain off and on since last night and after last weeks heatwave it was needed.
    It does sound like you had the best weekend. Relaxing and some delicious food.
    Well done with the meal planning! I couldn’t not meal plan now. x

  4. I can relate. The first week back hurts and I tell myself I am in survival mode. I keep the housestuff simple – cooking, laundry, etc.
    I love your new plants. It feels so weird that you are waiitng for spring and we are still in the thick of our hottest time in summer over here in Kentucky, USA! I think your plant that hangs/drapes is a pothos. I love mine. It looks so great dangling over my fireplace mantel right now!

    1. Ruth(playworkeatrepeat)

      Haha! I bet you can’t wait for cooler weather. I’m almost jealous looking at all your Summer fun! 😊 I loved reading about your high school reunion. Doesn’t time fly!! I hope everything gets sorted out and you won’t have to be wearing masks when school starts. We haven’t been mandated to wear them at the moment but it is highly recommended. Hope you have a great week Amy xxx

  5. What a great weekend! Love getting a pedicure! So relaxing! The meal planning calendar gave me some ideas, and that brunch looks delicious! Have a great week!

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