Hi friends! It’s time to link up with Adrienne, Dara, Jen, Joanne, and Sarah. This month’s topic is ‘A Day in the Life’—a peek into what an average day looks like. The nosey Parker in me loves these kinds of posts, so I’m excited to read about everyone else’s day. Here’s mine from last Thursday.
I always set my alarm for 6.25 instead of 6.30, so I feel like I’m winning. I’m not a morning person AT ALL, so I figure if I play mind games like this, I might just have a shot at getting up on time at 6.30!
6.27—I was 3 minutes ahead of myself! Yay!
First things first—I took my thyroid meds and made sure to leave the empty glass on top of the chopping board in the kitchen. That’s my little sign and a way of knowing for sure that I’ve taken them. When you take regular medication, it’s easy to get confused and wonder, “Did I take them, or was that yesterday?” That used to happen to me a lot, but now my glass trick has helped so much.
Next, I went down to the laundry to feed the cats and take care of their kitty litter—bleh.
Then, I charged my watch and phone to get them ready for the day. Up until a week ago, I used to leave my watch charging overnight, but then I heard it could cause overheating or damage the battery. Oops!
Next, I folded some washing—because there’s always washing!
I had to turn the light on because it was cloudy. But even when it’s not, I’ve noticed the sun is coming up later. Autumn is getting started.
Then, it was time to sort out my lunch and get ready for work.
Sunscreen first—always! I keep my makeup pretty simple: concealer, BB cream, blush, and lipstick. Just enough so I don’t look like I’ve been haunting houses.
It was time to head out and walk fast!
So cloudy, but this colourful tree was a treat on such a gloomy day.
Every day, I dread these lights—they take forever to change! I like that our pedestrian lights have little men: red for wait and green for walk. But when I was in California, I think the pedestrian signals showed a white walking person for “WALK” and an orange raised hand for “DON’T WALK.” I kept waiting for the green man, but he never showed up.
A bit sweaty from the walk, but I made it to work on time!
Then, it was the usual running around we all do at preschool—getting everything ready, helping the children with their activities, and making sure everyone was settled and happy, using friendly hands and kind words. It’s a work in progress.
Look, Miss Ruth, I painted a plum!
Always bending down to pick up some kind of mess or spill. According to Dan Buettner, the guy who wrote about the Blue Zones, that’s supposed to be good for longevity, right? Excellent! Maybe I’ll live to 150.
During my lunch break, I did some blogging.
The day went by pretty fast at work, and I finished at 3:46. Yep, that’s my actual finishing time—pretty precise, huh?
In the afternoon, the sun came out, and the skies turned bright blue. I always love walking home after a noisy, busy day. By the time I get home, I feel so zen.
The only ones to greet me when I walked in the door were the cats. Steve was at work, and Sam was at uni. Dinner time for the girls.
I grabbed my cleaning caddy and did a quick clean. I used to do it all in the morning, but now I do it in the afternoon when no one’s home.
Then, it was time to cook dinner. On Thursdays, we usually eat together because everyone’s home in the evening.
After everything had been cleaned up, we caught an episode of Matlock and had a cup of tea. I love Kathy Bates!
Around 11 (probably later than I should), I got ready for bed. Brushed my teeth.
All showered-pyjamas on, and then it was lights out.
Nighty night!
hahaha! I am not a morning person either and always hit the snooze on my alarm.
You are right, there’s always washing to do!
What a great day!