Hey there, friends! I’m excited to join the Share Our Lives linkup today, where we’re sharing tips for falling asleep. To be honest, I was a bit stumped when I saw the prompt because I wasn’t sure I had much to offer. My sleep usually reflects my mood—if I’m worried, anxious, or it’s the first day back to work after the holidays, I’m pretty sure I won’t sleep well the night before.
Then I thought, my number one tip for falling asleep is simple—just put on an amazing movie you’ve been saving up to watch for movie night. Bam, instant slumber! But that’s not very helpful.
I know there are so many wonderful and sensible tips for falling asleep. Such as creating a calm bedtime routine, avoiding screens, and sticking to a sleep schedule. But, to be honest, I don’t really follow many of these myself. So, instead, I’ll just share a few personal tips for falling asleep that actually work for me. Some of them might even be the opposite of what the sleep experts recommend—oops!
Tips For Falling Asleep
Watch a Favourite Show and Enjoy a Favourite Drink
I guess this could fall under the category of a calm bedtime routine. After all the chores are done, I have a shower, put on my PJs, and relax with a favourite show and a cup of tea. I know they say you shouldn’t have caffeine right before bed. But does tea have much caffeine? Not sure, but I know that I love mine with one teaspoon of sugar and a little milk. Oh yes, and I also have a small piece of chocolate or a biscuit (cookie).
Don’t Avoid Screens
Again, I’m stressing that this is definitely not what the experts recommend, but it works for me. Once I’m all cozy in bed, I’ll watch a quick 15-minute YouTube video. I love watching minimalist lifestyle videos, especially ones with Scandinavian-inspired home decor and simple living tips. They are just so calming, and they play the best soothing music in the background.
Other times, I’ll scroll through Pinterest for fashion and hairstyling tips, then drift off to sleep imagining myself in the latest Zara fashions with perfectly styled glossy hair.
Don’t Go To Bed Hungry
I can’t sleep when I’m hungry, which is why an early dinner just doesn’t work for me. If I eat too early, I’ll lie in bed thinking about food! On the rare occasion I’ve eaten too early and gone to bed, I’ll end up lying there obsessing about my next meal. I’ve even had to get out of bed and go to the kitchen in the dark to have a quick snack just so I can fall asleep.
Box Breathing
If all my falling asleep tips are failing and I’m lying there, staring at the clock and stressing about how I’m not falling asleep, and the alarm is going to go off any minute! Aaaaaargh!!! Then, I will try a breathing technique called box breathing. I’m not sure where I first came across it, but apparently, it’s used by soldiers, first responders, and athletes to stay calm and focused in stressful situations.
It’s super simple: inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4, exhale for 4, and hold again for 4. It slows everything down and helps calm your mind, which makes it way easier to drift off to sleep.
Working with kids at preschool definitely counts as high stress, and some days, it feels like I’ve been on a battlefield, so this technique has come in handy more than once.
Other than asking God to please help me fall asleep, praying for others can work wonders. When I start thinking about the people I care about and say a little prayer for them, it helps shift my focus away from my own racing thoughts. It’s also a great remedy for those of us who can’t help catastrophising!
Not Too Hot or Too Cold
If I’m too cold in winter, I can’t sleep, and the same goes for when it’s too hot in summer. At the moment, it’s been hot and muggy, so we’ve got the fan on all night. In winter, though, I’m in thick bed socks and my ‘sexy’ flannels. Hehe.
Those are my tips for falling asleep. Maybe a little unconventional, but they work for me. Of course, some nights none of these will work, and that’s the pits when you just can’t sleep! With all the worries, hormones, and responsibilities weighing heavy on us, it’s no wonder sleep can be so elusive some nights. And then there’s the way the world is heading, but let’s not go there—or none of us will get any sleep!!
I hope these tips gave you a little idea to try next time you’re counting sheep (because that sure never worked!).
Sleep tight, friends!
Linking up with Adrienne, Dara, Jen, Joanne and Sarah
Yes, I find focusing on my breathing really works too if I’m really struggling to sleep. I also watch screens before bed and actually have a really difficult time falling asleep without the TV on.
Oh, I like the idea of “box breathing.” I need to try that next time I wake up at night.
I will do box breathing too. And praying definitely helps me sort out all of the things running around in my mind.
We all seem to have a unique list of must haves, trouble falling asleep, seems universal. #MMVC
I have a sticker of the box breathing method on my computer. I think that and prayer are great tips. I also agree with all of your other tips. I appreciated you saying screens can help you fall asleep!
Great tips!
I always have a cup of tea at about 8pm with a couple of biscuits. It’s probably not recommended by sleep experts but I like my little routine. I need to try box breathing. I guess focusing on your breathing makes you forget about your worries. x
I am famous for falling asleep watching movies. We joke that our son is the most expensive napper. He has slept at every game or event we have taken him to from baseball games to Monster trucks.
I like the idea of a calming youtube video!
I like the idea of the calming minimalist lifestyle videos and that’s something I might do. I also can’t sleep if I’m hungry. I often have a spoonful of peanut butter and a couple sips of almond milk and that’s all I need, because obviously eating too much would be counterproductive! I’m almost a week late in visiting, and getting some useful tips. Hope you’ve been sleeping well!