Friday favourites graphic

A Recap of This Week

Hi Everyone, thanks so much for joining me for a quick recap of this week. Is it just me or did this week just go by even faster than usual!! I CANNOT believe it’s October and for some reason, I thought that September had 31 days. Luckily my dear Mum who often forgets what day it is cleared this up for me. It’s my last few days before I go back to work after the end of Term break and with all the recent announcements from our NSW Premier, it looks like all Early Childhood centres will be open to everyone from the 18th of October. It will be all systems go again. I have a mixed bag of favourites to share with you today and so let’s jump in with Number 1 My garden is blooming like crazy! I’ve mentioned before that my job when it comes to gardening is to stay well away. Plants and flowers grow beautifully if I just stay clear. I do not have a green thumb AT ALL. In the past, I have tried to grow flowers and vegetables, especially when my kids were younger. I had some success but gardening is such hard work and I was never consistent enough when it came to looking after it. So I have packed up my gardening gloves for good I think. Luckily we live in a small villa complex which means we don’t have to do our own gardening. We have a really good new gardener who is doing an amazing job. My husband actually found him recently through a mutual friend and he’s a keeper for sure. Look we have real live blueberries growing this year!!! The lavender bush has exploded just outside our door. I don’t know what these are called but they are so pretty. I think these are Geraniums Number 2 I found these pitta toasties at the deli the other day when I went to pick up my online grocery order. I usually buy the bigger ones for when I make souvlaki. These were really nice and a bit of a change from regular wholemeal toast. I’ve also been loving this raisin bread. I’m not much of a breakfast eater as I don’t ever feel hungry up until around 10 am. Being at home so much and having access to food all the time means I have also been indulging in yummy raisin toast. I guess one good thing about going back to work is that I’ll be eating less. All we really have in our fridge at work is playdough, and I have to admit that some days I feel so hungry while I’m at work that even that looks tempting. Number 3 Look at my lovely little cat Sushi. She’s 11 years old but she’s quite small. Sushi has enjoyed having us home for the last few months and every day she likes to stand near the tap in our little courtyard and miaow until I turn it on for her. She then likes to have the water run down her back and she licks it off. She also loves the water all over her face which I think is funny for a cat. The other night I went into Sam’s room and I found her on his lap. Sam is her favourite person and she’s usually either on his lap or on his bed. I used to be so strict about letting her go on his bed. It used to be a big no-no but I’ve softened in my old age and now I let her. In saying that, she knows she is only allowed on Sams bed and not mine. She’s clever though, sometimes when I come home from work, I can tell she’s been curled up on my bed during the day. Her black fur on my white quilt cover is a dead giveaway. Number 4 On some nights we have been seriously indulging in late-night strawberry sundaes. Normally I buy the Cottees strawberry topping but I thought I’d give this Hershey Strawberry syrup a try (It was half price)and oh my goodness it’s so good. Incredibly sweet but delicious. We like to add crushed nuts, sprinkles and garnish it with a Kit Kat. Steve and I always share so that way we don’t feel so bad about all the calories. This Hershey syrup is most definitely a favourite! If you want to satisfy a sweet craving this is the way to go. Number 5 Knowing that I will be back to full-time work very soon I have been trying to get motivated to tidy up some cupboards. I sorted out some things in my ensuite but it still looks crowded in there. It is an improvement though. I don’t like mess and clutter but I had let that cupboard get full of things I wasn’t using. So although it might not look like it, I have actually thrown out quite a few things. Number 6 Oh my goodness staying up super late is a HUGE favourite. I love the freedom of not having to worry about getting to bed at a decent time so I get enough sleep. I am horrible at getting to bed before 10.30 pm. and this is something that I am going to have to work on changing before the 18 the October when I’m back on deck full time. Sigh! Some nights I love munching on these plain Smiths chips while I’m watching TV. Number 7 This used to be our garage and a few years ago we had it converted into another little room. Now I use it as my own office and I have spent a lot of time here working on this blog since May this year.  The table I am using as a desk was actually our old dining room table we bought when we were first married and living in a tiny apartment. I need to get a better chair, this old fold

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