Hi friends, I’m linking up with Jenn for the February edition of Currently. Towards the end of last year, I was crazy over the top busy with work, study and trip planning, so I missed quite a few link-ups. This year, my studies are over, and my trip has come and gone (waaahhhhh!!).
I’m also on long service leave and won’t be back to work until the 19th of February. So it’s great to be here today, taking a breath and excited to share what I’m currently loving, anticipating, remembering, sharing and wish-listing. Let’s go!
Hmmm, there are so many things that I have been loving lately. I loved loved loved my trip away with my family, but then I also loved coming home last Tuesday. I love having free time without feeling that I have a deadline to meet. After the whirlwind of last year, I’m really appreciating having an extra long summer break!
Also on the list of things I am loving is cooking meals with heaps of vegetables. I missed eating my veggies during our trip (it turns out I’m not the fast food queen I thought I would be!)
I am anticipating that this year will not be nearly as busy as last year was. So, I am looking forward to going back to regular date nights with my husband, and I’m also excited to have the spare time on the weekends to spend time with friends! I have an exciting catch-up this Saturday with my lovely friend, who I haven’t seen in what feels like forever, and I can’t wait!
I am remembering all the fun times I had over the three weeks we were away. Gosh, it was such a special time with my family, and I’m so grateful for it all. Even though I was happy to arrive home safely last Tuesday and jump back into regular old stuff, now I’ve got the post-holiday blues really bad!
Haha, my husband (he knows me so well) kept looking at me funny all of last week and checking in on me. He kept asking, “Are you ok?” because he fully expected me to be on a real downer after the trip. And no, I was still on such a high! Until this Monday when I came off the high with a great big thud–sigh.
Speaking of sharing, I will be sharing all about our trip soon and doing many recaps. Once I wipe away all of my tears–haha, no, I’m not that bad, but it might take me a little time to gather my thoughts!
Wish Listing
I think one of the only things on my wish list right now is a new fly screen for our laundry. Last year, we had our door frame replaced because it was weather-damaged. The new door frame looks fantastic, but since it’s a different size, the old cream-coloured fly screen no longer fits.
So it sat outside in the courtyard propped up against the wall, gathering dust and cobwebs until I finally sold it on Facebook Marketplace in December. I love Facebook Marketplace—it’s amazing what you can sell!
This year, I’d love a simple fly-screen door with a white frame, something like this one.
So now that I’ve got some time and I’m home during the day, I really should get on top of ringing around for quotes. The big fat flies that sneak in the second I leave the laundry door open are definitely motivating me to get moving on this. Summer flies are so gross!!!
And that wraps up the February edition of Currently. Thanks so much for being here today, and I hope you have an amazing Wednesday!
Can’t wait to catch up too and hear all your exciting recaps!!
I always like blogging about my trips because that helps me keep the memories going!
I am always so happy to indulge in new and/or favorite foods on vacation but then I also love getting back to healthy eating and fresh fruits and veggies when I get home. I am so happy to hear you had such a wonderful trip but I truly understand how you feel. After our two weeks in Hawaii I was so ready to come home and then after about 2 or 3 weeks of actually being home I am missing Hawaii so much! I think that is the sign of a truly great vacation.
Yes, vegetables can be few and far between when travelling (especially in the US I have found) and we often comment that all we are eating is “brown food” like chicken fingers, fries, and other meat/carbs.
What I like about my own travel posts that I often go back to read them and relive the trip.
Replacing the screen on the door that leads into my garage has been on my list of to do’s since last year! I am not a fan of flying things unless they are birds…
Sounds like a wonderful time away – will look forward to reading more about it. Where did you go??
I really love travelling but I also really love coming home too — for about a week! And yes, why don’t I eat more vegetables on trips?!!?!?