Friday Favourites

Hello, friends, and welcome to Friday Favourites! I hope you all had a great week. If you’re anything like me, I’m sure you’re very excited to welcome back the weekend! This week has flown by so fast yet at the same time it’s felt never-ending because of the wet weather! It’s true what they say about rainy days — time seems to slow to a crawl, doesn’t it? Especially when you’re stuck inside with a crowd of energetic and enthusiastic preschoolers! But hey, at least we made it to Friday! Let’s look at some favourites from this week.

Monday Night

I almost didn’t make it to our monthly dinner with friends on Monday night. I got home from work later than usual and had to catch up on a few things. It was rainy, I was tired and almost in a bit of a funk. But my friend rang and convinced me to go and I’m so glad I did. Sometimes it’s good to push through even when it feels like everything is caving in on you!

I didn’t feel very hungry, which is very unlike me! But when I tucked into my grilled chicken burger and fries. It almost felt as if my appetite woke up and suddenly I was starving. So weird! Does that ever happen to you?

welcome to Friday favourites

Let’s talk about the weather! Lately, I don’t know if I’m cold or hot and it’s not my hormones, it’s the weather. As I said before it has been raining non-stop but the temps have been hovering around 20ºC. So it almost feels humid during the day and at night it gets cooler. I wore my jacket to dinner on Monday night because there was a chill in the night air.

I bought this jacket online a few years ago, and initially, I didn’t like it very much. It had so many hanging threads! However, I’m so glad that I didn’t return it because now it’s one of my favourites. I got used to the raw edge look, and I think the jacket’s style goes well with a lot of things I have in my wardrobe.

excited for the weekend post-jacket


Oregano is one of my favourite herbs and I read somewhere that it contains some pretty amazing health perks as well. I used to buy oregano from the supermarket but I have to say that it’s not as good as this one that comes on the stalks. It just has a much more robust flavour and it makes my Greek chicken taste better.

excited for the weekend-oregano packet


Dried Fruit!

Last Saturday I went to the farmer’s market and I bought some dried mango and dried paw paw. I thought that they would be great to add to my homemade granola. Well, I haven’t got around to making any granola yet but I have been enjoying them as a snack. They taste like lollies!

excited for the weekend post-dried mango

dried paw paw

Sometimes I combine it with almonds. It’s healthy, right? Well, as long as I don’t think about the sugar content!

nuts and dried paw paw

Website Issues-Again!

Seeing this when I tried to access my website was NOT a favourite last Friday! But I’m grateful for a couple of kind blogger friends who reached out to let me know. It’s fixed now, but I’m still having issues with comments not coming through. Apologies if you’ve tried to comment and haven’t been able to. I always love and appreciate your comments, and I’m sad that I don’t know how to fix this! Aaaargh!!!

excited for the weekend-404 error

I’ve had lots of laughs at work with some of my amazing work friends. They’re the best and they brighten my days-even the dreary wet days. But I can’t say that this week has been my favourite and to be honest I’m excited to say bye-bye to it! I thought I had finished all of my written assessment tasks. But I found out on Thursday afternoon that I was missing a whole entire one! I could have cried and if I still had my thyroid I probably would have! I’m more emotionally regulated on thyroxine these days – phew! Anyway, I stayed up late on Thursday night and finished it and I can’t wait for this part of my course to be over!

Sam Is Arriving Tomorrow!

I’m excited that Sam gets back from Japan tomorrow morning, and I can’t wait to pick him up from the airport! He’s been pretty good about sending me at least one message a day. I’ve slept better knowing he was fine and having a great time with his friends. I’ve also been in contact with his friend’s mum, and we’ve been regularly texting each other, piecing together the bits of information we had about what they were up to. I think we are coming to terms with the fact that this trip may be the beginning of more overseas travel for them. I’m happy that they are a great group of friends and that Sam is a good egg. He just grew up so fast!

And that’s a wrap for now! Thank you so much for stopping by today, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Fingers crossed that next week will be sunnier in more ways than one! Happy Mother’s Day to all the lovely mums out there. If you’re missing your mum, just like I am, I’m sending you big virtual hugs.

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Linking up with Andrea and Erika

Friday favourites graphic




6 thoughts on “Friday Favourites”

  1. Glad Sam is having a great time! My younger two talk a lot about international travel and while it already makes me nervous, I fully admit that it does sound exciting. That jacket is a fabulous one! I too have a hard time with the raw hems but I so like the look on everyone else. I tried logging in on a different server today so we’ll see if that makes a difference or not… even when you’re not getting comments from me I’m still reading though!

    1. Ruth(playworkeatrepeat)

      Thanks so much, Joanne. I really appreciate you reading as well as your lovely comments and letting me know when I have website issues xxx

  2. This is a great list of favorites, minus the website tech issues :). The jacket looks so cute and I hope you enjoy your Mother’s Day weekend!

  3. Aw, your comment about Sam being a good egg!! That’s how I feel about my older son, he has a good head on his shoulders and I can trust him to make the right decisions (even if others aren’t), it’s a calming feeling! My younger son?! I’m not sure about him! Hahah!
    Well done on getting out of the house on Monday, it can be a struggle but usually worth it!
    Have a nice weekend.

  4. Oh no! That is rubbish about the rainy days but at least it’s Friday!
    It is good that you went out with your friends on Monday.
    It’s getting warmer here, it’s been around 20C here most of the week and that is practically summer weather. lol I love that jacket. the hanging threads add to the character of it.
    Everything seems OK when I comment on your blog, I hope you get the issues sorted.
    I hope Sam has had a great trip! x

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